Open the Door – Migrants Facing Financial Disadvantage and their Needs for Support

This report from our research and policy project looks at financial challenges and precarity experienced by the working migrants in Scotland. As a significant and growing percentage of Scotland’s population and workforce their experiences of and vulnerability to poverty demand attention, but are too often overlooked, or treated as niche.

MPS Programme 2023-26

Our second 3-year programme outlines our vision, approach and priorities for 2023-26. Migration Policy Scotland is a home for informed responses to migration and the opportunities and challenges it brings. We draw on different perspectives to ensure that our work is grounded in learning, lived experience and the realities of migration in Scotland.

Perspectives: Fit for purpose? Insights on the present and future of ESOL and migration in Scotland.  

Blog by Francesca Stella, Senior Lecturer, University of Glasgow and Prof. Rebecca Kay, University of Glasgow English language tuition for adult migrants is an area of education closely connected to policies around immigration control, citizenship, and migrant ‘integration’ (Simpson 2019:26). The terrain of language learning and migrant ‘integration’ is deeply political, because it is bound […]

Perspectives: Hong Kongers in Scotland

Blog by Gregory B. Lee, Professor of Chinese Studies at the University of St Andrews and Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of the Humanities (HKAH) On 10 March 2023 Migration Policy Scotland held its first hybrid event.  Focused on the Hong Kong BN(O) route that opened on 31st January 2021 this event brought together […]

EU Nationals in Scotland: An MPS Factfile

This factfile brings together information on EU nationals currently living in Scotland. It will be of use to policy-makers, advice and support agencies, employers and others needing accurate, up-to-date information on this key migrant group in Scotland. This MPS factfile builds on an MPS event on EU nationals in Scotland that took place in September […]

Perspective: MPS Event on Windrush Schemes in Scotland

Blog by Rebecca Kay, MPS Senior Researcher The Windrush scandal has negatively impacted the lives of tens of thousands of people across the UK. This has been well publicised in the media and in public life, but its extent and impacts in Scotland are less well understood. In England, law clinics, grassroots advocacy organisations, funding […]

Perspective: MPS Event on EU Nationals in Scotland

Blog by Hana Davis, MPS Diversity in Policymaking Intern Migration Policy Scotland facilitates open and constructive dialogue about the complex and cross-cutting issues migration impacts. On Friday 16th September 2022, that took the form of this event: EU Nationals in Scotland: Experiences, Needs and Support. Hana Davis, MPS’ first ‘Diversity in Policymaking’ intern reflects on […]

Perspective: Reflecting on the MPS Lived Experience Discovery Session

Blog by Mariam Tuma, Participation and Development Officer, JustRight Scotland More and more organisations throughout the world are adopting a coproduction strategy which relies on the incorporation of Lived Experience Panels into decision-making and organisational structure. The idea is that, by including the voices of those who organisations serve, organisations can make better informed decisions, […]