Open the Door – Migrants Facing Financial Disadvantage and their Needs for Support
This report from our research and policy project looks at financial challenges and precarity experienced by the working migrants in Scotland. As a significant and growing percentage of Scotland’s population and workforce their experiences of and vulnerability to poverty demand attention, but are too often overlooked, or treated as niche.
Attitudes to Immigration in Scotland: Cautious pragmatism?
The second Migration Policy Scotland Attitudes Survey updates understanding of what the Scottish public thinks about immigration, developing an evidence base that helps policymakers and others make better informed choices in a complex and changing context.
MPS Programme 2023-26
Our second 3-year programme outlines our vision, approach and priorities for 2023-26. Migration Policy Scotland is a home for informed responses to migration and the opportunities and challenges it brings. We draw on different perspectives to ensure that our work is grounded in learning, lived experience and the realities of migration in Scotland.
Tackling rural depopulation
Think piece by Rebecca Kay, commissioned by Welsh Centre for Public Policy as part of their Welsh Government-funded research into international approaches to population ageing and decline. Drawing on international research, institutional approaches and practical examples this short think piece suggests that whilst migration can play a strategic role in mitigating the effects of rural […]
Multi-Level Responses to Rural Depopulation
This report by Rebecca Kay is part of our wider project on Migration and Population with a focus on rural Scotland.
Attitudes to Immigration: A view from Scotland
Migration Policy Scotland research finds Scottish attitudes to immigration have warmed considerably. This is the first representative survey of attitudes to immigration since 2014. The report details the findings of an online survey carried out through Diffley Partnership’s Scotpulse panel between 17-19 January 2023 gathering the views of 1,162 adults across all 8 Scottish Parliamentary […]
EU Nationals in Scotland: An MPS Factfile
This factfile brings together information on EU nationals currently living in Scotland. It will be of use to policy-makers, advice and support agencies, employers and others needing accurate, up-to-date information on this key migrant group in Scotland. This MPS factfile builds on an MPS event on EU nationals in Scotland that took place in September […]
Scotland’s Migration Futures
In MPS’ Launch publication leading experts give their views on what lies ahead on migration for Scotland. What trends do they see in the underlying drivers and what impacts are expected? Analysis of the main challenges and opportunities and the options for Scotland. This edited collection illuminates future prospects on migration for Scotland in relation to: […]
MPS Programme 2021-23
Our programme is now available. It outlines our aim to provide a home for open discussion and informed response to the opportunities and challenges migration brings and explains our priorities and way of working. MPS seeks to provide thought leadership and infrastructure development and focus on migration systems and migration experiences. Our initial priorities are […]
Looking back: Scottish devolution and migration
IPPR Progressive Review volume 27 reflects on over 20 years of devolution. It includes a chapter by MPS Director, Sarah Kyambi, that examines key moments of divergence on migration for Scotland. She forecasts the challenges ahead and highlights the need for improved dialogue. Photo by Craig McKay on Unsplash