We are looking for partners for work building resilience to extremism in Scotland. We need to build a broad coalition to counter the potential for racist, Islamophobic and anti-migrant violence we have experienced recently. We want to work with communities, media and political actors to change minds and change the debate. Get in touch to find out more.
Migration Policy Scotland’s representative survey of attitudes to immigration in Scotland includes data that highlights points of concern regarding the fragility of support for immigration in Scotland and an urgency to build more and stronger social connections that this work could draw on. For example, a significant increase since 2023 in the proportion of people favouring a reduction in immigration levels (14 percentage points from 28% to 42%). Our data also show areas of strength that we can build on. These include: 50% taking a positive view on the impact of immigration in Scotland, particularly in filling jobs, enriching cultural life and meeting population needs (69%, 55% and 54% agree). Majority support for welcoming programmes (55%). And, widespread support for recruitment of workers from abroad – including 79% in the case of sectors with critical shortages, 78% for seasonal and temporary work and 61% for vacancies generally.
We urgently want to analyse the data we have further, to do follow up work that can dig beneath attitudes to understand what is driving them and what might change them.
We are looking for partners who can help us take that knowledge forward. We want to work with communities, media and political actors to change minds and change the debate.
Can you help us do that? Get in touch to explore how we can work together