Migration Policy Scotland
A home for informed responses to migration, its opportunities and challenges
Migration shapes the society that we live in, the economy we rely on, and the cultures we share.
At Migration Policy Scotland:
- We focus on migration issues that are particularly important in Scotland.
- We prioritise clarity over controversy, bringing people together to find better ways forward.
- We foster insight and dialogue on migration to improve all our futures though better migration outcomes.
- We believe well-managed migration enables migrants to flourish and enriches communities experiencing migration.
“MPS approach to integrating lived experience brought invaluable insights to our work.”
Colin Carroll, Scottish Government
“Our peer research had a direct impact on the tender and service design of the new Scotland’s Migration Service.”
Shaina Gabi, MPS LEx Panel Representative
“The MPS Attitudes to immigration in Scotland Survey is transforming the evidence base.”
Prof. Bobby Duffy, KCL
“High quality report – supports our wider work in the context of addressing depopulation across a range of actors within Scotland.”
Mike Andrews, Scottish Government
Apply to join the MPS Migrant Lived Experience Panel Duration: February 2025-August 2026 Migration Policy Scotland is a home for informed responses to migration and the challenges and opportunities it offers. We are looking for migrants in Scotland who would like to join our Migrant Lived Experience panel. The Panel is at the heart of […]
In this blog our core team of peer researchers from MPS and partner organisations reflect on partnership working and co-delivery of research for change. By Leri Price (MPS Research Assistant); Delia Spatareanu (Community Researcher at Community Renewal Rom Romeha); María José Pavez Larrea, (Co-General Manager at Grampian Regional Equalities Council (GREC) Increased understanding of migrant […]