Tackling Financial Disadvantage in Migrant Households – Research Report Launch
This online event launched our report:
Open the Door: Migrants Facing Financial Disadvantage and their Needs for Support
and policy briefing:
Including Migrants in Policy and Practice to Reduce Poverty
The event was part of Challenge Poverty Week 2024 and marked the mid-point of our project on Financial Disadvantage in Migrant Households, funded by abrdn Financial Fairness Trust.
We shared the findings of our research and recommendations for government, local authorities, support services and employers.
The launch also marked the starting point for our policy laboratory which will drive change in policymaking and practice through co-development of feasible, fundable and effective solutions
MPS and our partner organisations have gathered evidence that migrant households face considerable financial disadvantages and barriers to overcoming these which are insufficiently seen or understood in anti-poverty policy measures and interventions. While a great many services and support organisations are working exceptionally hard to support service users, including migrants, the current landscape of provision is not working well to meet migrants’ needs.
Feedback from the launch event:
As someone who has experienced migration and currently works in the advice sector I found the report resonated both with my own experience and of what we see in the sector. The report has ignited a renewed call to reflect on our services and how we can truly bring the ‘no wrong door’ policy into practice. We regularly challenge local and national governments to ensure their policy and practice line up, and this report calls on us in the advice sector to do just that in our own provision. MPS does really well to bring together policy and lived experience in an evidenced based way and continuing in that approach will have an impact.
Watch the event recording online and download the slides from the right of this screen
Speakers include:
Rebecca Kay (Migration Policy Scotland)
Maria Jose Pavez (Grampian Regional Equalities Council)
Delia Spatareanu (Community Renewal Rom Romeha)
John McKendrick (Scottish Poverty and Inequality Research Unit)