Welcome to the Policy Laboratory!


Launched as part of our project on Tackling Financial Disadvantage in Migrant Households, this is an exciting opportunity to make changes that will both improve the situation of financially disadvantaged migrant households and support the work and impact of advice and support organisations and services.

What is the policy laboratory?

The policy laboratory is a 6-month process to drive change in policymaking and practice through co-development of feasible, fundable and effective solutions. The focus is on enabling better joined up services and person-centred approaches.

Who is taking part?

We are bringing together 20-25 experts by experience and practice drawn from public and third sector advice and support organisations specialising in employability, financial inclusion, income maximisation, energy advice. Participating organisations are based across Scotland and have a variety of experience in supporting migrants as service users.

What will the policy laboratory focus on?

Drawing on evidence from our research and follow-up conversations with many organisations, service users and other stakeholders, we will focus on two main themes (each under pinned by a working principle) and working towards a number of tangible outputs:

  • Better joined-up services (No Wrong Door approach)
    • Exploring and trialling systems for data sharing
    • Developing shared practices to underpin more effective referrals
    • Building and sustaining networks that bridge migrant-focused and mainstream organisations more effectively
  • Person-centred approaches (Intercultural awareness and communication)
    • Designing toolkits drawing on the expertise of migrant-focused organisations
    • Developing training offers, led by migrant-focused organisations, to increase awareness of migrant user needs and confidence in addressing these.
    • Trialling both the above through mainstream employability/welfare advice/support organisations

Would you like to take part in the policy laboratory?

We will begin our work with two online kickstart events (one per theme) in February 2025.

Between February and June 2025, MPS and our project partners (Grampian Regional Equalities Council and Community Renewal Rom Romeha) will support subgroups of participants to develop co-designed outputs such as toolkits, systems for data sharing or monitoring referrals, or training offerings and seek out opportunities to trial these. Participants will be expected to contribute a minimum of 5 hours to this work over the four months.

A showcasing event in June 2025 will be an opportunity to cascade our shared learning, and connect our outputs and innovations to wider policy frameworks and commitments such as No One Left Behind (Scottish Government) or Ending Child Poverty Strategy (UK Government).

Contact us to find out more

We have limited spaces available for the policy laboratory so please email Rebecca@migrationpolicyscotland.org.uk ASAP if you are interested to take part.

Participation at the policy laboratory is by invitation only, so in your email please tell us:

  • why you are interested to take part,
  • the ways in which you could contribute and/or how you hope involvement will support your work.  
  • which of the policy laboratory themes you are most interested in.

Updates on the work of the policy laboratory will be shared here and through our regular MPS newsletter
