Join us for the launch of a new think tank, Migration Policy Scotland, promoting a constructive approach to migration in Scotland.
Migration Policy Scotland is a new, independent think tank on migration in Scotland. Join Director, Sarah Kyambi, and Trustees, to celebrate our launch and find out more about Migration Policy Scotland’s approach and our programme of work.
About this event
At the launch, a keynote panel will inform a discussion of the migration-related challenges and opportunities that face Scotland from a range of perspectives. Break-out sessions offer an opportunity to feed in on how best to create a platform on migration across Scotland that broadens engagement and supports inclusive dialogue. We want everyone in Scotland working on migration to be better connected and better informed so we can collectively work towards more constructive responses.
Confirmed speakers:
- Prof. Maria Sobolewska (University of Manchester), Co-Author of ‘Brexitland’
- Prof. Christina Boswell (University of Edinburgh) Chair of the Independent Expert Advisory Group on Migration and Population
- Jennifer Ang, Co-Founder and Director, JustRight Scotland
- Marc Strathie, Research and Policy Manager, ScotlandIS
- About Migration Policy Scotland
About Migration Policy Scotland
Migration Policy Scotland has been set up to meet the need for more policy capacity on migration in Scotland (outside of asylum and refugee migration). Our purpose is to promote and sustain a constructive approach to migration.
We work to improve immigration systems and enhance migration experiences. Our policy research and influencing activities seek to foster better dialogue and understanding through sound evidence and inclusive engagement. We aim to offer principled and effective solutions to the challenges that migration may pose, while actively championing the benefits it brings.
Read a blog about the launch